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Welcome to the Think Generation of Wealth podcast, and this is episode number 119.
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I am your host, amir Estimo.
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Thank you for tuning in in today's podcast episode.
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I want to open up and say thank you for tuning in today's podcast episode again, because you could be doing anything in this world, but the fact that you are listening to this podcast, it is much appreciated.
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Second of all, we would like to thank our sponsors Starville Talent Group for sponsoring this podcast and we'll go from here.
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Let's jump into the podcast episode.
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But other than that, if you get a chance, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, because we would like to know how to improve the podcast episode.
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Whether it's good or bad, it's okay.
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You can even go onto the website, wwwthinkgenwealthcom, and you can submit a review or join our mailing list to see how would you like to the podcast to grow and get better, cause that's the only thing we can do here, is improve and get better.
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So because if you stay the same, you're not growing okay.
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So let's jump in into the podcast.
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For today's podcast episode, I don't really uh, to be honest with you, the podcast probably going to relatively short today because I just wanted to.
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It was.
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It was just something in my heart I wanted to share.
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And what I wanted to share is in the podcast is whatever you do in life, don't give up, keep showing up.
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Whatever you do in life, don't give up, keep showing up.
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And the reason what inspired me to do this podcast today was I was listening to the Nightcap podcast by Shannon Sharp and Ocho Cinco, aka Chad Johnson, and beginning of the podcast they mentioned, they shared that they just got sponsored.
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Or now Boost Mobile is now sponsoring the podcast, which is amazing because when you look at, when you look at, the podcast started since 2023 and now they're getting sponsored for the podcast.
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And the lesson I learned from that is things like that will happen for people who keep showing up and who is consistent.
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And this was a lesson for me regarding my podcast, because I've been podcasting.
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It's been a while I'm going to say since 21 or 22, somewhere around there, and maybe even 19, but it's been on and off.
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It hasn't been consistent.
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Last year I took a whole year off.
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I didn't podcast.
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I didn't have any episodes drop.
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I think I may only had one and that was kind of it from there.
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Always understand that mantra If you consistent.
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You show up, things will happen for you.
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And what I had to notice is for me is that I said that can't, this can't be something if I really want to do it.
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This can't be something where I come in, I do a few episodes and then that's it there's.
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It's just hard for people to give you their time If you're not consistent with your time.
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Me taking that whole year off I'll share because my podcast numbers I don't have.
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I don't get a thousand downloads a week, nothing to that nature, or even 30 days.
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What was starting to happen?
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Because I was becoming more consistent, I was averaging somewhere between, I would say, 70, close to a hundred episodes, 75 downloads and episodes.
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For the most part, I was averaging anywhere between 20 to 50 downloads and those 20, 50 downloads are not necessarily your.
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It's not necessarily you put a new content out.
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Let's say I dropped episode 119.
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It's it was.
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It was given exposure to people to listen to other content on the podcast episode.
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That was really happening for me on a weekly basis and the fact that I took a year off rightfully so.
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People lose trust in you because if you're supposed to do something consistently, people will lose trust and people go find content elsewhere.
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And so, therefore, you now, every time you stop podcasting and you go back to it again, you lose the audience that you have.
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Some may stay, some may go, but for the most part you're going to have to start again from the ground.
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You're going to have to go ground up again.
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That taught me how many of us think that, like how many of us start something and we stop.
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Start something and we stop, start and stop, and then it just keeps on going, instead just being consistent.
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The more consistent you are the expectation you set for yourself.
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It's just like a TV show.
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How many of these TV shows you see on TV?
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They say, hey, we'll see you next Monday at 8 pm.
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And what do you do every Monday at 7.50?
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You grab your popcorn, you grab that remote, you turn on to the TV, cause you know, every Monday at 8 PM, not sure your your your time zone, but every Monday you know you're going to tune in to watch your favorite TV show.
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And that's how these audiences grow, because they know it's consistent and they know, okay, well, one season might be 10 episodes, one season might be 12 episodes, and if there's that break in between, guess what they're doing?
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They're replaying all their previous seasons.
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So, again, consistency.
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And for us, whatever you start, don't give up, don't stop, keep going, because the minute you stop it's harder to restart than to keep going.
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And keep going is not easy within itself, but if you stop, whatever you're doing.
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Let's say you want to do a podcast.
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Let's say you want to do a YouTube channel.
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Let's say you want to do a podcast.
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Let's say you want to do a YouTube channel.
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Let's say you want to start a business.
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Whatever that is, you have to be consistent with it.
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Because the minute you are not consistent, guess what happens?
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It's, it's like you're, you're, you're building that consistency.
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And the minute you stop, let's say you open the year and say I wanted to go to the gym and get fit, but my goal is to work out four times a week, three times a week.
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But if you work out three times one week, next week you work out two.
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Next week you work out one.
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But yes, you're working out.
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But the issue is is how often are you doing it?
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It's better to do, say commit, to say if I'm going to work out three times a week, I'm going to do that three times a week, don't go to two.
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You can go to four, you can go to five, you can go to six, whatever you desire.
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But the minute you go to two, you're going to say you know what I can, I'm OK with two.
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Then you go down to one, then it's down to zero.
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Therefore, the consistency is gone, and I don't know how many time.
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Even last year, I would work out, be consistent, and then all of a sudden I stopped.
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I don't work out for like two months, or I don't work out.
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I wouldn't say two months, but I wouldn't work out for a month or a month and a half.
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Guess what happens in between that, if I'm not lifting weights, for the most part I like to weight train.
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I like to do a lot of free weight weight training.
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I could do better with cardio.
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I struggle with that.
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For the most part I'm not consistent with cardio.
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But I'm more consistent with going to the gym and working out every week on the weights and my goal is to do that three times a week.
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That's the goal, that's the standard I'm setting for myself.
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But if I say, for example, this week I worked out Monday and Tuesday, I'm recording this podcast on a Friday and I haven't worked out.
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So as soon as I'm done working and since I'm done with the podcast, guess what I'm going to do?
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I'm going to go hit the gym.
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That's my three.
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Now I say, okay, now I need to learn, build myself consistency.
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And getting into the gym, getting to do cardio two times, let's start with two, then let's go to three.
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I can't say, well, if I'm going to do cardio, I'm going to do two, I'm only do one.
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If I'm going to do cardio, I'm only do two, I'm only do one.
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I don't want to give myself any room for that.
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And that's the same with people, with anybody.
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If you're starting a YouTube channel, you start on a podcast.
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You want to get help, you want to get fit right, you want to stop drinking, smoking, whatever that is.
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You got to do it consistently.
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And the minute you stop, it gets harder to stop back up again.
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I can say this is that people like people that are consistent.
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If you are consistently with your word and you say I'm going to do this, if I'm going to show up, like I say for the podcast, for example, I said, okay, you know, I have to start back down again.
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The momentum I was building now is gone because I took a whole year off and a lot changes in a year.
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So I said to myself there's 52 Wednesdays in the year.
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I'm going to show up.
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Every 52 Wednesdays you will get a new podcast episode.
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It could be a rebroadcast, it could be just a very short episode like this one that's about to be.
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But the key is, I'm going to tell myself.
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I'm telling myself I'm going to be consistent this year.
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Every Wednesday 6 pm Central.
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My goal is to have a podcast ready to go and I have enough content where you can rebroadcast.
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But I don't want to do that.
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I want to come up with something fresh.
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Now, down the road, you have about two, three hundred episodes.
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Yeah, you can start rebroadcasting some podcast episodes because you have new listeners, podcast episodes because you have new listeners.
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But a new listener is not going to be attracted to the podcast if you haven't dropped it.
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And let's say, the last podcast I recorded, I recorded and that podcast was hey, every Wednesday 6 pm, central Standard Time.
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Next Wednesday you don't show up, they're going to say, yeah, that guy's full of foolishness, and I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
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It's to nobody's fault except mine.
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That's why I'm sharing this with you is be consistent, be consistent.
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The more consistent you are, the easier it will be.
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You will build that momentum.
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You will build that momentum Again.
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It could be anything you choose to do in life and it's weird because there's people who do you know.
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There's people who do some bad stuff in life and I'm not going to say what it is or not you know, but when you consistently do it, someone who ends up I know this may not be this, this may be sensitive to some and I apologize in advance, but it's just an example.
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Think of it as someone who's an alcoholic.
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Someone who's an alcoholic.
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What do they do?
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And the reason I'm saying this is because when I was in retail management and I used to see people come in seven o'clock, seven o'clock, religiously.
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Once seven o'clock hit, they want to buy that beer.
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They're going to buy a beer.
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They did that every day, every day, consistently, 365 day rain, snow.
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They're going to buy that four pack can of beer.
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Or someone who come in buy a carton of cigarettes every week, same Friday, for 52 Fridays.
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And I tell myself and those things are not good for your health.
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But imagine you who starts something that you can continue on and on and on.
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You keep doing it, you keep doing it, keep doing it, keep doing it, keep doing it.
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Eventually, your blessings is near.
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You will hit that pot of gold.
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But you will not hit that pot of gold if you're inconsistent.
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You can't say, well, I want to lose weight, but I don't want.
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You're not eating right.
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And number two, you're not working out.
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You can't work out one day for one day, and then you can't work out one day, and then next week work out two days.
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Next week work out one day.
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Next week, work out four days.
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It doesn't work like that.
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If you tell yourself you're going to do something whether, let's say, it's posting on social media you say, hey, I'm going to post every single day.
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Be you say, hey, I'm going to post every single day.
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Be consistent every single day.
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And this is not only to you, you guys, this is for me too, because again, this holds me accountable even more now, because I'm doing now is I am, instead of saying, ok, I got to have a new episode and then do the editing and all that, and then drop it the next day, what I'm telling myself now, every Friday, I have an hour, I can record a podcast, get the editing done and then drop the podcast and then publish it for Wednesday.
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I want to make sure I am two to three podcasts ahead.
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So it could be a week I have something going on or life happens.
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But you know what?
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There's still two podcasts, three.
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Two podcasts that's still in the queue, that's ready to be ready to go, and once I have it set up, ready to publish, ready to go, but at the same token token, I still want to show up every Friday and record a pod.
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Yeah, I could record one.
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I don't want to miss a Friday and then say, oh, you know, I just had, unless I'm on vacation or something, and when that happens I'll just record an extra week so I can make sure there's two to two podcasts ready to be published every week and then that's going to help you.
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You do those little things, you do those little things and it will help you in the long run.
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You have to figure out what's going to help you be consistent.
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So I'm going to leave you with this before I out.
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I'll leave you with this, I out, I'll leave you with this.
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There was a post I seen actually you can even.
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It's in a book called three feet from gold by Sharon Lector.
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She's from the serious, the company who produced, who, I think, who I forgot and not produced, but I the publish, uh, outweighing the devil.
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So if you guys ever heard that she's with that company but it's called again, it's called three feet from gold by sharon lector.
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So, sharon lector, that she made a post, I'm not, I'm not sharing that she, I'm sorry she didn't make a post.
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Uh, this was a post I seen on social media and what I saw, saw was there was this person, but it's, it's basically the three feet from goal.
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It's basically from three feet from goal.
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In a sense that it's shit, it's a wrong.
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It's along that line.
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She the the posts show a man digging and he was digging, digging, digging.
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The purpose he was looking for is he was looking for diamonds.
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What happens is he's been digging so long he ended up quitting.
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But on the other side of that wall, if he had kept digging, maybe three more feet he would have reached and that diamond could have changed his life.
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Sometimes that's what we do in life we start something, we keep digging.
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We start something, we keep digging and then when the going is tough or we don't see the results we want, we quit.
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But if we had kept going and going and going, you never know your deliverance would have been near.
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So I leave you with that.
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Hopefully this inspires someone to say even you don't get anything out of this podcast.
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But understand is keep showing up, don't give up, keep going and I know that's cliche to say, but it's true.
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So thank you for the podcast episode.
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Again, if you like this content, please subscribe to the podcast, share it with someone who you think needs this, who would like to hear this, and also, again, don't don't forget, leave a review.
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I'm going to do my best to try to get better at social media.
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I just hate the aspect of constantly posting and marketing.
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So I'm actually in the process of finding a manager, someone that can help me manage all these things that are going because I don't like, so I hate, social media.
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I don't really have the time to always to always try to post and do all this extra stuff, but I know you need a presence online because that's how you actually grow trust.
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People will not trust you if they don't know who you are or don't even see your face.
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All right, but other than that, tune into next week's episode again 6 pm Central Standard Time every Wednesday.
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Much love Peace.